Web Hosting Terms Explained

Register Your Free Domain Name With Web Hosting

We realise that some of the terms we use to explain the features we offer in our web hosting packages might be confusing to most users, so here is a brief explanation of the most commonly used web hosting terms.
Web Space:
The amount of Disk space you are allocated on our server. This is where your site is stored, along with your email, visitor logs, mysql databases etc.

The amount of data transfer you are allowed per month. For example, our Business Hosting option allows 1500 MB (One and one half GIGABYTES) per month. This generous amount of bandwidth will be more than enough for most small to medium sized web sites.

POP 3 Email accounts:
You get your own mail server included (mail.yourcompany.com) and you can set up your email addresses (you@yourcompany.com).

E-mail Forwarders:
You can have a copy of any email you receive sent to any email account of your choosing.

Mailing Lists:
Software that allows you to send email newsletters to your subscribers.

Allows you to set up different sections of your site as a separate domain (E.G. http://somesection.yourcompany.com)

CGI Bin:
You need a CGI Bin to run CGI and Perl programs, such as Contact forms etc.

Technical Support:
We are particularly proud of our excellent Technical Support service which is available to answer any technical queries you may have about your web site 24 hours a day

Control Panel:
You can control most aspects of your website from here, set up email accounts, view statistics, add and remove MySql Databases etc.

MySql Database:
Store your web content in your database for dynamic retrieval via php
(Not available on our economy hosting plan)

Catch All E-mail address:
This email address will catch any emails sent to your domain that are misspelled, meaning you won’t have to worry about lost emails ever again

Easily Upgradable:
Should you outgrow your current webspace plan, we can switch you to the next plan with no loss of service.

Any Questions?
If you would like to open a web hosting account with us and would like more information on our web hosting solutions just contact us with your question
