seo-tipsJust Do It!

And do it regularly. Search engine optimisation is not a once off event. Google changes to your ranking algorithm approximately 500 times a year, more than once a day. So you need to commit to allocating time for your search engine optimisation.

Don’t expect immediate results.

SEO is an ongoing process and it can take months before you start to see a return on your investment. Taking shortcuts will almost certainly get you banned from Google’s index.

Build a fantastic website with compelling content.

It’s not enough that your site has great content, it also needs to look professional.

Have a plan for what you want your visitors to do once they arrive.

All the traffic in the world will not be any good if you do not have a strong call to action on your page. Decide what you want visitors to do in advance then craft your page to ensure that they do just that.

Use Search Engine Friendly URLs

Use your main keywords in your URLs separated by hyphens. If you are using WordPress as your content management system the permalinks settings will do that for you automatically. Just make sure that you do not stuff your URLs which keywords as it looks spammy.

Use a Relevant Title Tag

When giving your page title use your most important keywords at the front of the Tag for an extra boost from Google.

Use a compelling meta description.

While search engines no longer use the description tag as a ranking signal. It is displayed on your search engine results so you can use this to entice visitors to click on your link.

Add new content regularly.

Regularly add new pages showing your latest offers and news about your company. If you have time consider starting a blog.

Build links.

You can have the greatest content in the world and if no one can find that it may as well not be there. Once you have created compelling content, reach out to authority websites that would be interested in it and ask them to link to your page.

Sign up for a Webmaster tools account

Google gives you a lot of information about your site and how it’s performing. By signing up for this account you get this information at your fingertips.

Submit a site map to Google.

When you have signed up your account is a facility to upload a site map which will let Google know every page you have on your website.
