Nuasoft Web Services offer you mysql database hosting.
MySQL is an SQL server – it responds to requests for information that are written in SQL (Standard Query Language)
You can communicate with MySQL using a wide variety of programming languages (PHP being the most common).
All our web hosting plans support PHP.
To create a MySQL database:
Click on the Add/Remove MySQL Databases link in the Domain Control section of your websites control panel.
Enter the name of the database in the MySQL Database field.
Click on the Create MySQL database button. Click on the MySQL databases link to return to the MySQL databases window to confirm that it has been created.
Note: The database name created using the control panel will have the prefix of of your main account login name. (I.E. if your main account login name is anthony and the MySQL database you created is called customer the control panel will create the mysql database anthony_customer
You now need to create a MySQL user in order to use the database.
Enter the user’s name in the Username field and the user’s password in the Password field.
Click on the Create user button. Click on the MySQL databases link to return to the MySQL databases window to confirm that it has been created.
Note: The user name created using the control panel will have the prefix of of your main account login name. (for example: if your main account login name is anthony and the MySQL user that you created is tony the control panel will create the mysql user anthony_tony
Now that you have created a user, you now need to grant the user permission to use the database,
Choose the specific user from the Username drop-down list in the Grant all permissions on a MySQL database to a MySQL user area.
Choose the specific database to grant permissions to from the MySQL database drop-down list.
Click on the Grant permissions button. Click on the MySQL databases link to return to the MySQL databases window to confirm that permissions have been granted – you will see Connection Strings listed underneath users in the Existing MySQL databases area.